About Us

Your Collection

At Fylirow, we value comfort and style and have made it our mission to design beautiful furniture that can withstand years of use while providing maximum comfort for you and your family. 

Unlike fast-consumed furniture that easily enters the fast lane of landfills, we use only high-quality, durable materials in our products, making them wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and durable for many years.

Ready to help you

Our Team

Jerry Hill


Roger Jones


Bianca Oliver


Mike Miller


We All Love Fylirow

“I grabbed a set of these acrylic dining chairs while on a quest to turn my apartment into a life-sized Barbie Dreamhouse, and now, five years later, they still earn just as many compliments. I’ll admit I was skeptical about the material at first, but have since been amazed by the quality and durability. The design itself is surprisingly structurally sound. I love how light the transparent material makes them feel in my space, especially when the light shines through. Though years of daily use has left behind some scratches, they aren’t super noticeable, especially under the cute sheepskin rug I occasionally drape across the back.”

Jane Blayck

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